Need Help?

We are available during the following business hours to help. Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM- 5:00 PM (EST) Friday 9:00 AM-3:30 PM (EST)

  • General Questions
  • Enrollment & Billing
  • Primary Care
  • Specialty Care
General Questions
  • Will I receive a dental ID card?

    Yes! We will send you a dental ID card after your first payment is made. We issue one ID card per family.

  • What is a DHMO vs. PPO?

    DHMO: DHMO stands for Dental Health Maintenance Organization. A DHMO offers affordable, preventative dental care for you and your family. DENCAP uses this model because it provides a cost-controlled way to take care of your smile before problems arise. With DENCAP you receive minimal waiting periods, high annual maximums, and significantly reduced costs on dental specialties and treatments. A DHMO allows you to maintain your healthy smile while containing costs for everyone.

    PPO: A PPO plan is short for a Dental Preferred Provider Organization plan. Unlike a DHMO, a PPO has a much wider network of dentists you can visit and still receive at least partial coverage for. A PPO is also more likely to offer reimbursement for services from an out-of-network dentist.

  • What is a Schedule of Benefits (DHMO) / Benefits Summary (PPO)?

    DHMO: Each plan has a list of all your covered dental procedures and co-payments called the Schedule of Benefits. An easy way to think of the Schedule of Benefits is like a restaurant menu – you get to see ahead of time what everything is, and how much everything costs.You receive this schedule when you enroll with DENCAP. You can check your benefits by talking to your Primary Care Dentist, call us at 888-98-TEETH, or look in your enrollment packet.

    PPO: The Benefits Summary is included in your Certificate of Coverage. If the information in the Benefits Summary is different from your Certificate of Coverage, the Benefits Summary applies.

  • Can I receive benefits outside of DENCAP’s network?

    DHMO: No. DENCAP is a DHMO and our convenient state-wide network is one way that we keep costs contained for everyone. You must use a Primary Care Dentist in network to use your plan benefits.

    PPO: If the Dentist you select is not a PPO Provider, you will be charged the difference of the Maximum Allowable Amount and the Dentists fee for a service. You are only responsible for your Deductible, Copayments, and /or Coinsurance amounts as well as any fees above the Maximum Allowable Amounts for Covered Services.

  • What if I have a dental emergency?

    In case of a dental emergency during normal business hours, call your Primary Care Dentist. An after hour’s care number is provided on the answering machine of your primary care dentist for your use.

  • What if I have a dental emergency out of town?

    DHMO: Your dental service area is 50 miles from your Primary Care Dentist. If you are outside of this service area, DENCAP will reimburse you for 50% of the emergency services you receive up to $100. Emergency services only include normally covered benefits and the relief of severe dental pain.

    PPO: As long as you’re being seen by a DenteMax Network Provider, your coverage will be the same regardless of your location.

  • Can DENCAP’s plan coordinate with another dental insurance plan?

    In most cases, yes! DENCAP follows all State Regulations. As a member, you are responsible for notifying your Dental Office of your dental insurance plan(s).

  • How do I select my Primary Care Dentist?

    DHMO: You can view a list of our current providers in our provider directory that came with your enrollment materials. You can also search providers online with our Provider Locator tool. Once you have chosen an office that is best for you, you need to notify DENCAP of your new primary care dentist. Doing so is easy – just call, write, fax, or email to notify us of your selection.

    PPO: View the link to the Dentemax network here.

  • How do I know when I have met my annual maximum?

    DHMO: You can find out if your annual maximum has been met by contacting your Primary Care Dentist’s billing specialist. Your dentist will have a record of when your DENCAP plan renews.

    PPO: Contact DENCAP’s PPO customer service line found on the back of your card.

  • How is the annual maximum applied to members on a couple or family plan?

    Each enrolled individual has a separate annual maximum.


  • What if I have more questions?

    We would be happy to answer your questions. Give us a call using the number from the back of your card.


    DENCAP Business Hours

    Monday – Thursday 9 AM – 5 PM

    Friday 9 AM – 3:30 PM


Enrollment & Billing
  • How do I enroll in DENCAP?

    Enrolling with DENCAP is simple! Click here to begin the process or contact us at 888-98-TEETH and we will mail you an enrollment kit. If you are a member of one of our group/business plans, contact your human resources department to enroll.

  • How many people can I have on my plan?

    You may enroll your spouse and your legal dependents as members.


  • Can someone under the age of 18 enroll as a member?

    Yes! We allow child-only members as long as parent/guardian information is provided where indicated on the application.

  • Can I re-enroll if my coverage has been terminated?

    Yes! If your coverage has been terminated you can pay for the lapsed months plus a $25 reinstatement fee. This process will reinstate you back to your original effective date. Alternatively, you may re-enroll after an 18 month waiting period from your last effective date.

  • How do I cancel my plan?

    You can cancel up to seven business days prior to your next premium due date. Cancellation notices must be in writing and received by mail (address below), email (, or fax (313) 972-4662. Include your name, subscriber ID number, and a brief reason you are cancelling your coverage.


    DENCAP Dental Plans

    45 E. Milwaukee St.

    Detroit, MI 48202

  • Will I receive a dental ID card?

    Yes. Your dental ID card will be mailed to you after the first payment is received to active your DENCAP coverage.

  • Can I purchase coverage as a gift?

    Yes! Dental coverage can be purchased for anyone on an annual premium payment schedule. We would love to help you give this gift, please call DENCAP for details.


    Visit the Gift of Dental dedicated page

  • How can I update my payment information?

    Make updates by going to or through mail, email, or fax. DENCAP requires seven business days’ notice prior to your next premium due date to implement your changes.

  • Are there any fees associated with my dental premium?

    No. There are no additional or hidden fees for your plan. Please see your Schedule of Benefits for details on the services that require a co-pay when you visit the dentist.

  • Can I choose a different recurring payment date other than the 25th?

    No. As a cost containment measure we only collect monthly premiums on the 25th of the month. Alternatively, you can choose to make an annual premium payment.

  • Can I mail in my monthly premium?

    Payments methods are specific to the plan type. Please call DENCAP to check your payment options.

  • Why is my premium collected prior to my coverage effective date?

    DENCAP’s premiums are due in advance of the coverage month to ensure you are covered prior to visiting your Primary Care Dentist.


Primary Care
  • How long do I have to wait for my first visit to the dentist?

    You can see your Primary Care Dentist the day your plan becomes effective. Please see your Schedule of Benefits for details on waiting periods for Specialty Care.

  • What is the Schedule of Benefits?

    The Schedule of Benefits is the listing of all covered procedures and the co-payments the patient is responsible for at the Primary Care Dental Office. All in-network Primary Care Offices will follow the Schedule of Benefits for covered procedures. A copy of the Schedule is available to you upon enrollment, and upon request.

  • How do I choose my Primary Care Dentist?

    DHMO: You can view a list of our current providers in our provider directory that came with your enrollment materials. You can also search providers online with our Provider Locator tool. Once you have chosen an office that is best for you, you need to notify DENCAP of your new primary care dentist. Doing so is easy – just call, write, fax, or email to notify us of your selection.

    PPO: View the link to the Dentemax network here.

  • Can I change my Primary Care Dentist?

    DHMO: Yes. To find a new Primary Care Dentist, you can view a list of our current providers in our provider directory that came with your enrollment materials. You can also search providers online with our Provider Locator tool. Once you have chosen an office that is best for you, you need to notify DENCAP of your new primary care dentist. Doing so is easy – just call, write, fax, or email to notify us of your selection.

    PPO: Yes. To find a new Primary Care Dentist, please visit the DenteMax provider directory here.

  • What do I pay at the Dental Office?

    DHMO: As a member of our DHMO plans, you may need to pay an office visit fee and a fixed co-payment amount. This is the portion you pay directly to your Primary Care Dentist and remains consistent. Your Schedule of Benefits outlines the fixed co-payments for covered procedures, up to your allowable maximum.

    PPO: As a member of our PPO plan, you pay a co-payment. This is a calculation based on plan coverage percentages, provider participation and allowable maximums. The percentages for procedure categories can be found on your Benefits Summary.

  • Will my Primary Care Dentist ever require me to pay more than the co-pay?

    DHMO: You will only pay the co-pays shown on your Schedule of Benefits.

    PPO: You will only pay the co-pay percentage shown on your Benefits Summary.

    You will only pay the co-pays shown on your Schedule of Benefits. However, once you reach your annual maximum (many members never reach their annual maximum with DENCAP) or if you receive a procedure that is not a covered benefit then you will pay the Primary Care Dentist’s UCR fee.

    Note: Once you reach your annual maximum or if you receive a procedure that is not a covered benefit, then you will pay the Primary Care Dentist’s UCR fee.

  • What can I do if my bill does not match the Schedule of Benefits?

    DHMO: Begin by contacting the billing specialist at your primary care dentist’s office to verify if there was an error in billing. If your concerns are not resolved, please contact DENCAP for further assistance. We will work to address and clarify the issue.

    PPO: N/A

  • How is my annual maximum calculated?

    Your annual maximum is calculated by subtracting your co-payment from your Primary Care Dentist UCR. The remainder is applied toward your annual maximum. Check your Schedule of Benefits for details. Many members never reach their annual maximum with DENCAP.

  • What if I have reached my primary care maximum but still need dental care?

    After your primary care maximum is reached you are responsible to pay your Primary Care Dentist’s UCR fee. Your primary care maximum is renewed annually on the first of the month in which you became eligible for care.

Specialty Care
  • Why do I need to see a DENCAP Dental Specialist?

    DHMO: When your Primary Care Dentist is unable to perform a complex dental procedure it is normal for him/her to refer you to a Dental Specialist. Typically these referrals are for non-preventative care procedures such as root canals or extractions.

    PPO: Referrals are not needed for Specialty Care.

  • How do I receive a referral to see a DENCAP dental Specialist?

    DHMO: To receive a referral to see a Dental Specialist you must first see your Primary Care Dentist who will then contact DENCAP on your behalf. Your eligibility, review of benefits, and determination for care will be completed within two business days after DENCAP has received your information from your Primary Care Dentist.

    PPO: Your Primary Care Dentist will inform you when a specialist is needed, or you can find one yourself by visiting

  • Can I see a DENCAP Dental Specialist without a referral?

    DHMO: No. Seeing a Dental Specialist is a covered benefit (some DENCAP plans have a short waiting period, please see your Schedule of Benefits for details) but one way that we keep costs contained for everyone is to ensure your Primary Care Dentist refers you. DENCAP cannot provide specialty care without a referral.

    PPO: Yes.

  • Is there a waiting period to use my specialty care benefits?

    DHMO: Some plans require up to a twelve month waiting period before you can receive care from a Dental Specialist. Please check your Schedule of Benefits for details.

    PPO: No.

  • Do DENCAP Dental Specialists adhere to co-payments on my Schedule of Benefits?

    DHMO: No. In order to contain costs for everyone, preventative care is only provided by your Primary Care Dentist. Relatively rare and complex dental care is provided by our highly trained DENCAP Dental Specialists who are reimbursed at a higher rate.

    PPO: Specialty is paid at a percentage based on your Benefits Schedule.

  • What type of dental specialties are covered?

    We cover endodontics for root canals, oral surgery for extractions, periodontics for acute gum care, and pedodontics for children age six and under.

  • What if I have met my specialty care maximum but still need specialty care?

    After your specialty care maximum is reached you are responsible to pay your Dental Specialist’s UCR fee. Your specialty care maximum is renewed annually on the first of the month in which you became eligible for care.

  • Does my plan cover Orthodontics?

    DHMO: Yes! Your Primary Care Dentist may refer you to a DENCAP Orthodontic Specialist. Please check your Schedule of Benefits for details.

    PPO: Yes! Your Primary Care Dentist may refer you, or you can find your own by visiting

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